
Transitionnetwork and COP26

View this email in your browser Countdown to COP26 and looking beyond The eyes of the world will be on Glasgow next week. At Transition Bounce Forward, we will be sharing great stories of communities in and around Glasgow, already working to build the future we need. Check them out on our social media […]

News from Transition Network about supporting you!

We have got some great stuff to tell you about as we launch our new Transition Bounce Forward project, apply for seed funding for your group, find out about our new What If visioning exercise, come to our 2 free webinars on 11th and 18th of November, read on to find out more and […]

Recording in english of Guillaume Dorvaux’s interactive webinar on Shared Governance

Dear Municipalities in Transition community of practice,

Thank you so much to many very insightful participants who made great contributions to Guillaume Dorvaux’s interactive webinar on Shared Governance, earlier this week.

The recording of the webinar can be found via this blog post:

If you have feedback to share about the webinar please do […]

Lettre d’info de Transition de Pays bas, une mélange de néerlandais, le Tour de France de Rob Hopkins en anglais et une article de Portugal en anglais! multi culti!

netwerk voor lokale transitie 2 May 2019

Heel veel mensen bouwen lokaal aan het omschakelen naar een mooiere, duurzame samenleving. Aan alternatieven voor schone energie- en voedselproductie, aan een eerlijke en circulaire economie en aan een hechtere relatie tussen mens en natuur. Transitie Nederland brengt het verhaal dat deze initiatieven vertellen in kaart. We […]

Tous ensembles pour la Terre! (Català, English, Español)

Goteo #167: All together for the earth ♥

Every day more and more initiatives, committed to the environment preservation and to sustainable life models, join Goteo , and actually they already account for 16,5% of the campaigns published in 2019.

Sustainable Development Goals and footprints

We have decided to set these initiatives within the […]

Voilà l’outil est disponible en Français : le bilan de santé de votre initiative

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View this email in your browser The impacts of climate change are already tangible and real. Each day’s news brings us fresh examples of the risks to life, risks to species, risks for the planet. We feel the tension in our stomachs, feel the urgency to act, feel the overwhelm, […]