
Geoff Lawton et voir la journée de Permaculture

Hi, this is Geoff.

First of all, Happy International Permaculture Day! IPD, now in its 9th year, is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. To find out more about IPD or to see events happening in your area, take a look at here.

The last […]

Greening the Desert – Another Update de Geoff Lawton

Hi, this is Geoff.

Last Sunday we had International Permaculture Day, and this Sunday (the 13th), Mother’s Day is being observed in almost 100 countries around the world. Back-to-back weeks to honor “Mother” Earth, yes? :)

So in honor of Mother Earth, here is this week’s Friday Five…


Geoff Lawton, bulletin de permaculture Friday Five (en anglais)


Hi, this is Geoff.

It’s Presidents Day today for our friends across the ocean in the US, so we’ll start off our Friday Five by talking about…

Trompes, not Trump: You read that right: “trompe” is not a typo :) Trompes are compressed air systems created by […]

Bulletin de Geoff Lawton

Hi, this is Geoff,

I know that many of you are getting ready to ring in the New Year, so let’s keep this short and jump right in to this week’s Friday Five…

Even Playing Field: Net neutrality is critical for a number of reasons, and is of […]

Meilleur eBook de cette semaine: ‘La viabilité des micro-fermes maraîchères biologiques’.

Notre choix du meilleur eBook de cette semaine a été inspiré par la thèse d’un jeune homme en France. Elle est intitulée ‘La viabilité des micro-fermes maraîchères biologiques’. Comment y arriver ? L’ouvrage proposé est stimulant et utile si vous êtes dans une démarche éthique de (re)devenir ‘paysan’, en montant une micro-ferme qui est […]

Who’s up for nudging?, an address for everyone, and U.S. becoming third-world

Hello everyone, this is Geoff,

We now have just 10 days left working on the ‘Greening the Desert – Sequel’ project. The autumn temperatures have started to drop a little so we’ve been pruning all the trees. And soon we’ll start our film reports to keep everyone updated on our […]