
Une critique constructive sur le nouveau plan climat de la ville de paris par des citoyens inquiets

Une critique constructive sur le nouveau plan climat de la ville de paris par des citoyens inquiets

Nous avons pris connaissance du nouveau plan climat de la ville de Paris et aimerions en émettre une critique constructive, et envisager une vision alternative à celle du progrès technologique et à la croissance verte, que nous pensons […]

GEN reporting back from COP23

GEN Reporting back from COP23

To offer an international platform for solutions-based leadership, the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has brought a delegation of community leaders from all around the world to COP23 to share our best practices and success stories for drawing down carbon from the atmosphere.

For National Delegates planning their contributions to […]

Ecolise : Cop23, et un immense bravo pour les créateurs de possibles! Joli Vidéo

News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe View this email in your browser Reflection on COP23: Recognition for the role of local communities gains momentum COP23 has drawn to a close and while there are clearly concerns in relation […]

Bulletin de Energie wende ( in english) et le livre en Français

Pour lire le livre très intéressant ici le lien If you’re having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online.


Share this: Dear Friends and Colleagues, As many heads of state gather in Bonn this week for the international climate negotiations, we are faced with news that global carbon emissions are set to […]

Global Ecovillage Network at COP23


Global Ecovillage Network at COP23

GEN will be attending the UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany taking place November 6 -17. Nations of the world will meet at this conference to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its implementation guidelines.

Ecovillages are consciously designed through locally […]