
The July 2012 Transition Network newsletter

July 2012
Supporting community-led responses to climate change
and shrinking supplies of cheap energy,
building resilience and happiness.
The 2012 Transition Network Conference
This year we are back in London, hosted once more by the wonderful Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) (where we were in 2009), and the Conference teams are in the thick of planning a weekend of events and workshops that explore the theme of « Building Resilience in Extraordinary Times ».
We have an ambitious programme for this year’s event, with 5 distinct elements, which can be attended as stand-alone events or in combination:
Main Transition Conference: Friday 14th September (6.00pm) to Sunday 16th September (4.30pm)
REconomy Project Day: Friday 14th September (10.00am to 5.30pm)
Youth Symposium: Friday 14th September (10.00am to 5.30pm)
National Transition Hubs gathering: Monday 17th September (10.00am) to Tuesday 18th September (1.00pm)
Transition THRIVE training: 2 full days, Thursday 13th (9.30am to 5.30pm) and Friday 14th September (9.30am to 5.00pm)
More details and buy your tickets here
June Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition
US Edition June Round-up
Transition Free Press: all the latest!
It’s been a whirlwind month since our Preview Issue was launched on-line on June 1. Printed copies arrived from the printers a week later and have been flying out
One Year in Transition (1YT)
A new programme is designed to equip young adults with the tools they really need to navigate a future through the challenges of the end of cheap fossil fuel energy, the unpredictable impacts of climate change and the inevitability of economic contraction as we reach the limits of growth.
What is a Transition Enterprise?
So you’ve heard of social enterprises but what’s a Transition Enterprise? With a surge of Transition-related enterprises, should we evolve the idea of social enterprise?
Bread and Circuses
This week we’re looking at events. How they shape Transition, how they work (or don’t), what questions they bring up about our culture. Most of our initiatives are built around events, as we raise awareness in our communities, involve people and keep connected with one another. Do we ever kick back and ask ourselves if these are worthwhile?
Are We Who We Think We Are? – A Personal Journey Through Rank
I thought I knew who I was, once, way back when, before I left our shores
At Right Angles to The Real World
Lucy Neal finds celebratory events transformative, and rich in the rehearsals they provide for everyday life. She is particularly entranced by the space they afford us to imagine things differently.
Pies, Hugs and Pedal Spanners
« Why do you fix bikes for free? » Sounds like a simple question, but it isn’t. Ben Brangwyn answers the question
A Million Miles
Bikes and islands are a match made in heaven.
Travelling from car to bike
Overcoming my own hurdles to cycling more often.
Leaders, Figureheads, Talking Heads
We’ve got away with it so far. But I think it’s worth reflecting on what issues may come up for transition as a whole and also a local group’s level.
Food in Transition: Growing, gathering and sharing
By the end of the day, we came away wondering: what had this day been about?
What if . . . the people had a change of heart?
In a series of events across the country The Festival of Transition asked everyone to imagine what life will be like in the future and live it for that one day.
The Friendlier Future Starts Now
Very early on in my Environmental Science degree it became obvious to me that the causes and answers to all of our environmental problems actually lay in people and our behaviour.
Because the Worlds Are Round . . . and Wavy
It sounds like the simplest thing in the world to just remain offline for twenty four hours.
Waste Not
The New River is 400 years old next year and its highlights the ingenuity and perversity of human behaviour.
Schools in Transition: Mapping Watersheds
Using the watershed as our territorial boundary we are developing ways for any school to map itself first into its territory and then into its social system.
Water as Power
We are water and our relationship to water exerts a constant semi conscious power in our existence.
Water and the Dart
It’s rained almost everyday in June but we don’t have a « water group ».
Rollercoaster ride of a new initiative
I’ve been quite hooked on the stories – they’re a different kind of support, the experiences of people who are going through the same things, encountering similar dilemmas, and make me feel part of the wider Transition community.
Me and My Initiative: In Conversion
Starting to work seriously on the land for the first time also feels like being ‘in conversion’ myself.
Roses and Tomatoes (Rosas y Tomates)
Fernando Valdepeñas, from Transition Initiative Aranjuez in Spain, writes about confronting global and personal crises, his entry into Transition and how he has learned to value life in all its colours.
Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that « we were wrong on peak oil »
By Rob Hopkins
Whatever Happened to $200 Oil?
By Jeff Rubin
Peak Denial
by Richard Heinberg
Is it true that « There is nothing but « Sad News for Peak Oil Disciples » these days »?
The Home Energy Handbook
The Centre for Alternative Technology has just published a book called ‘The Home Energy Handbook: a guide to saving and generating energy in your home and community’. It is a great resource for Transition groups, and Transition features strongly in it. Rob Hopkins interviewed the author.
Letting Go
Like sand through our hands, these are the times for letting go.
Do you have what it takes to let go?
Overview of Inner Transition
What is inner transition? Why do we need it? What sources have influenced it? In this chapter of the book « Vital Signs », an anthology of Ecopsychology writing, Hilary Prentice gives an overview of the territory of what started in Totnes as the « Heart and Soul » group, now known as Inner Transition.
May I Walk in Beauty
Hilary Prentice gave a talk in Totnes about the landscape of inner transition, and her journey across that territory.
A Gratitude Economy
Supporting Adrienne Campbell
A Transition pioneer is unwell and needs our help.
SACRED ECONOMICS: An evening with Charles Eisenstein
Thursday, July 19
Ecology, Scarcity and The Gift Economy
15-19 July Schumacher College
Led by Charles Eisenstein and Toni Spencer, in this course you will build and embody a vision of a planet guided by new myths and stories that reflect cutting-edge understandings in science and economics.
17-19th August
Two days of music, art, literature, performance, debate, storytelling, demonstrations and conversations.
More events here
Transition THRIVE course – can be combined with REconomy Day and TN conference!
This 2-day Transition THRIVE course will run on the two days directly before the Transition Network conference. We’ve designed this particular instance of the course to be flexibly integrated with the other conference events so that you can choose the learning experience that works best for you. This advanced training course will help you to sustain momentum both in your Transition Initiative and also at a personal level. It’s packed with ideas and inspiration to help you move your Transition Initiative to the next level. Click here for course details.
When: Thursday 13th (9.30am to 5.30pm) and Friday 14th September (9.30am to 5.00pm)
Where: Battersea Art Centre, London
Trainers: Naresh Giangrande (Transition Totnes and Transition Network training’s co-founder) and Mandy Dean (from Transition Bro Ddyfi Trawsnewid).
Booking: At the conference, the THRIVE course intertwines with the REconomy event giving you the option to attend the REconomy day instead of second day of the THRIVE course. A main TN conference bundle pass is also available. To view all available ticket combinations and to book, please click here.
Contact: If you have any questions please contact
Transition LAUNCH in Totnes- the training for people new to Transition
When: weekend of 13-14 October (9:30am-6:00pm on both days)
Where: Birdwood House, in the heart of Totnes
Trainers: Nick Osborne and Inez Aponte
Costs & Booking: £105 for both days (Bursaries are available!). Click here to book.
Contact: If you’d like to book a place, have any questions or bursary enquiries, please contact:
Transition LAUNCH in London- the training for people new to Transition
When: weekend of 01-02 December (9:30am-6:00pm on both days)
Where: Islington Ecology Centre, London
Trainers: Stefan Nicholls and Marina O’Connell
Costs & Booking: £105 for both days (Bursaries are available!). Click here to book.
Contact: If you’d like to book a place, have any questions or bursary enquiries, please contact:
« I think the thing that the Transition movement creates is a positive atmosphere for people to talk about change and a culture of thinking how that applies to a local situation. And also, it’s not just about one thing. It’s not just about energy, it’s about food, it’s about travel, it’s about work, it’s also about culture as well.  I think that’s the unique thing that Transition does. »
Allan Shepherd.
Author of ‘The Home Energy Handbook’
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Subscribe to Transition newsletter:
This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month.
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,
from Transition Forest Row for the Transition Network
+44 (0)7974 924289
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More Transition Books
Transition Network
43 Fore Street
Totnes, Devon TQ9 5HN
United Kingdom
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The July 2012 Transition Network newsletterIs this email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser.
The Transition Network NewsletterJuly 2012Supporting community-led responses to climate changeand shrinking supplies of cheap energy,building resilience and happiness.The 2012 Transition Network Conference
This year we are back in London, hosted once more by the wonderful Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) (where we were in 2009), and the Conference teams are in the thick of planning a weekend of events and workshops that explore the theme of « Building Resilience in Extraordinary Times ».
We have an ambitious programme for this year’s event, with 5 distinct elements, which can be attended as stand-alone events or in combination:
Main Transition Conference: Friday 14th September (6.00pm) to Sunday 16th September (4.30pm)REconomy Project Day: Friday 14th September (10.00am to 5.30pm)Youth Symposium: Friday 14th September (10.00am to 5.30pm)National Transition Hubs gathering: Monday 17th September (10.00am) to Tuesday 18th September (1.00pm)Transition THRIVE training: 2 full days, Thursday 13th (9.30am to 5.30pm) and Friday 14th September (9.30am to 5.00pm)
More details and buy your tickets here
June Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition
US Edition June Round-up
Transition Free Press: all the latest!It’s been a whirlwind month since our Preview Issue was launched on-line on June 1. Printed copies arrived from the printers a week later and have been flying out
One Year in Transition (1YT)A new programme is designed to equip young adults with the tools they really need to navigate a future through the challenges of the end of cheap fossil fuel energy, the unpredictable impacts of climate change and the inevitability of economic contraction as we reach the limits of growth.
What is a Transition Enterprise?So you’ve heard of social enterprises but what’s a Transition Enterprise? With a surge of Transition-related enterprises, should we evolve the idea of social enterprise?
Bread and CircusesThis week we’re looking at events. How they shape Transition, how they work (or don’t), what questions they bring up about our culture. Most of our initiatives are built around events, as we raise awareness in our communities, involve people and keep connected with one another. Do we ever kick back and ask ourselves if these are worthwhile?
Are We Who We Think We Are? – A Personal Journey Through RankI thought I knew who I was, once, way back when, before I left our shores
At Right Angles to The Real WorldLucy Neal finds celebratory events transformative, and rich in the rehearsals they provide for everyday life. She is particularly entranced by the space they afford us to imagine things differently.
Pies, Hugs and Pedal Spanners »Why do you fix bikes for free? » Sounds like a simple question, but it isn’t. Ben Brangwyn answers the question
A Million MilesBikes and islands are a match made in heaven.
Travelling from car to bikeOvercoming my own hurdles to cycling more often.
Leaders, Figureheads, Talking HeadsWe’ve got away with it so far. But I think it’s worth reflecting on what issues may come up for transition as a whole and also a local group’s level.
Food in Transition: Growing, gathering and sharingBy the end of the day, we came away wondering: what had this day been about?
What if . . . the people had a change of heart?In a series of events across the country The Festival of Transition asked everyone to imagine what life will be like in the future and live it for that one day.
The Friendlier Future Starts NowVery early on in my Environmental Science degree it became obvious to me that the causes and answers to all of our environmental problems actually lay in people and our behaviour.
Because the Worlds Are Round . . . and WavyIt sounds like the simplest thing in the world to just remain offline for twenty four hours.
Waste NotThe New River is 400 years old next year and its highlights the ingenuity and perversity of human behaviour.
Schools in Transition: Mapping WatershedsUsing the watershed as our territorial boundary we are developing ways for any school to map itself first into its territory and then into its social system.
Water as PowerWe are water and our relationship to water exerts a constant semi conscious power in our existence.
Water and the DartIt’s rained almost everyday in June but we don’t have a « water group ».
Rollercoaster ride of a new initiativeI’ve been quite hooked on the stories – they’re a different kind of support, the experiences of people who are going through the same things, encountering similar dilemmas, and make me feel part of the wider Transition community.
Me and My Initiative: In ConversionStarting to work seriously on the land for the first time also feels like being ‘in conversion’ myself.
Roses and Tomatoes (Rosas y Tomates)Fernando Valdepeñas, from Transition Initiative Aranjuez in Spain, writes about confronting global and personal crises, his entry into Transition and how he has learned to value life in all its colours.
Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that « we were wrong on peak oil »By Rob Hopkins
Whatever Happened to $200 Oil?By Jeff Rubin
Peak Denialby Richard HeinbergIs it true that « There is nothing but « Sad News for Peak Oil Disciples » these days »?
The Home Energy HandbookThe Centre for Alternative Technology has just published a book called ‘The Home Energy Handbook: a guide to saving and generating energy in your home and community’. It is a great resource for Transition groups, and Transition features strongly in it. Rob Hopkins interviewed the author.
Letting GoLike sand through our hands, these are the times for letting go.Do you have what it takes to let go?
Overview of Inner TransitionWhat is inner transition? Why do we need it? What sources have influenced it? In this chapter of the book « Vital Signs », an anthology of Ecopsychology writing, Hilary Prentice gives an overview of the territory of what started in Totnes as the « Heart and Soul » group, now known as Inner Transition.
May I Walk in BeautyHilary Prentice gave a talk in Totnes about the landscape of inner transition, and her journey across that territory.
A Gratitude Economy
Supporting Adrienne CampbellA Transition pioneer is unwell and needs our help.
SACRED ECONOMICS: An evening with Charles EisensteinThursday, July 19
Ecology, Scarcity and The Gift Economy15-19 July Schumacher CollegeLed by Charles Eisenstein and Toni Spencer, in this course you will build and embody a vision of a planet guided by new myths and stories that reflect cutting-edge understandings in science and economics.
Uncivilisation17-19th AugustTwo days of music, art, literature, performance, debate, storytelling, demonstrations and conversations.
More events here
Transition THRIVE course – can be combined with REconomy Day and TN conference!This 2-day Transition THRIVE course will run on the two days directly before the Transition Network conference. We’ve designed this particular instance of the course to be flexibly integrated with the other conference events so that you can choose the learning experience that works best for you. This advanced training course will help you to sustain momentum both in your Transition Initiative and also at a personal level. It’s packed with ideas and inspiration to help you move your Transition Initiative to the next level. Click here for course details.When: Thursday 13th (9.30am to 5.30pm) and Friday 14th September (9.30am to 5.00pm)Where: Battersea Art Centre, LondonTrainers: Naresh Giangrande (Transition Totnes and Transition Network training’s co-founder) and Mandy Dean (from Transition Bro Ddyfi Trawsnewid).Booking: At the conference, the THRIVE course intertwines with the REconomy event giving you the option to attend the REconomy day instead of second day of the THRIVE course. A main TN conference bundle pass is also available. To view all available ticket combinations and to book, please click here.Contact: If you have any questions please contact
Transition LAUNCH in Totnes- the training for people new to TransitionWhen: weekend of 13-14 October (9:30am-6:00pm on both days)Where: Birdwood House, in the heart of TotnesTrainers: Nick Osborne and Inez AponteCosts & Booking: £105 for both days (Bursaries are available!). Click here to book.Contact: If you’d like to book a place, have any questions or bursary enquiries, please contact:
Transition LAUNCH in London- the training for people new to TransitionWhen: weekend of 01-02 December (9:30am-6:00pm on both days)Where: Islington Ecology Centre, LondonTrainers: Stefan Nicholls and Marina O’ConnellCosts & Booking: £105 for both days (Bursaries are available!). Click here to book.Contact: If you’d like to book a place, have any questions or bursary enquiries, please contact:
QUOTE OF THE MONTH »I think the thing that the Transition movement creates is a positive atmosphere for people to talk about change and a culture of thinking how that applies to a local situation. And also, it’s not just about one thing. It’s not just about energy, it’s about food, it’s about travel, it’s about work, it’s also about culture as well.  I think that’s the unique thing that Transition does. » Allan Shepherd.  Author of ‘The Home Energy Handbook’
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Subscribe to Transition newsletter:
This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month.
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,from Transition Forest Row for the Transition NetworkContact: (0)7974 924289
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Transition Network43 Fore StreetTotnes, Devon TQ9 5HNUnited Kingdom
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