Our website theme « what is the impact of Transition, and how do we know? » is explored and digested, plus the Roundup offers more illustrations of how it looks. A new draft support system and the first UK Roadshow event. Transition Free Press is out in print and online. Plus some thinking out loud on another possible way of the world.
The Transitioners April Digest
Feels like we only just started to scratch the surface of our theme of « what is the impact of Transition, and how do we know? » Various Transitioners told us about the impact their work is having. Some of the interviews and reports included Nic Marks, who specialises in wellbeing and happiness, and how they might best be measured; Eamon O’Hara, author of a report called Local Communities Leading the Way to a Low Carbon Society, about his sense of the « important catalytic effect » that Transition, permaculture and ecovillage networks are having; Sophy Banks reflected on her and fellow Transition Trainer Naresh Giangrande’s trip to Israel and the West Bank to do Transition Trainings there. Describing Transition as « radicals without rebellion », Andrea Felicetti wrote an article about his research which had looked at the disintinctive approach Transition takes to engaging with politics. A fascinatingdiscussion about resilience ensued folowing interview with researcher Katrina Brown about her work on how a community might set about measuring its own resilience. One of the leading local economists Michael Shuman was asked for his thoughts about localisation and the impact it is having as an idea. Find out more about these and more here:
The April 2014 Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition
News comes this month in the UK from Worthing, Whitehead in Northern Ireland, Reading, a meet up in Berkhamsted, Bristol, St Albans, Marlow, Horncastle, Langport, Whitstable, London, Exmouth, Dorking, Tooting, Totnes. Plus Germany, Netherlands, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Serbia, Japan, and the USA.
New Support System for Transition Groups – what do you think?
We want to hear your thoughts on new support framework being developed. The new framework includes a new 12 steps, a health check that helps groups to assess their own needs and a new officialising process. It is currently at a draft stage and Transition Network want to hear what you think about. The Survey close on the 25th May. As a token of our appreciation, everyone who fills in the survey and leave their contact email, will be entered into a draw to win one of 3 signed copies of Rob Hopkins latest book The Power of Just Doing Stuff.
Announcing the Pilot Transition Roadshow event!
In a couple of weeks we will be inviting Transition initiatives across the UK to apply to host one of several Roadshow events we plan to run during late 2014 and early 2015. The first, the pilot for the rest, will take place on July 12th in Lancaster. For more details and to book:
LEPs and REconomy – an Opportunity or a Waste of Your Time?
Changing the local economy requires collaboration at all levels. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) have a major influence over English regional economic development, and some REconomy/Transition groups are trying to make connections – are these likely to bear fruit? Read more about their experiences so far:
The first edition of the year is here at last with a new twist for 2014. Thanks to over 80 distributors the colourful grassroots paper is now making its ways into shops, cafes, and community events across the UK from the Scilly Isles to the Shetlands. We bring you the latest news and reviews from the culture that’s shifting the way it looks at and engages in the world. All the elemental and essential stories that other papers don’t quite reach: on Earth, on the airwaves and in the swim. This issue focuses onthree big W’s: Waste, Walking, and most of all Water. Find out more here:
Although TFP is designed to be printed and be held in your hands you can also read it online here:
What Would a Transition Co-operative Store Look Like?
With the need for new visions of the future for the Coop much in the news, Rob Hopkins wrote this article for the Coop news asking ‘how might Co-operative stores re-imagine themselves?’
It’s Money that is Killing the Local Economy
A recent report on local currency and local economy from Sweden, complied by Transition member Steve Hinton, sheds light on some of the pitfalls and opportunities for local community action.
On Earth Day, an Economics for People and Planet
Helena Norberg-Hodge writes that since the first Earth Day in 1970, not only have our ecological crises come into sharper focus, it has also become obvious that we need to rescue not just the Earth, but also its people from the clutches of an economy gone mad.
Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future
The most critical task facing humanity today is creating a shared vision of a sustainable and desirable future say Ida Kubiszewski and Robert Costanza in their new book.
To My Friend the Climate Defeatist: Here’s Why I’m Still In the Fight
Jim Shultz asks what action do we take when we have no guarantee at all that what we do will make any difference?
New Economics Foundation have just published ‘No Small Change’ – a how-to guide for community currency organisers looking to effectively evaluate the impact of their project.
We are starting to offer Thrive in Europe, with Spain, Belgium, and Sweden leading the way, and have a full programme of Launch trainings, and a few Effective group trainings too. More details:
Transition LAUNCH – London
7 – 8 June 2014
Packed with imaginative ways to delve into the practice of Transition showing you how to set up, run and grow a Transition Initiative. It is also useful for people who have recently become involved in Transition and want to develop the essential skills and insights to help their Transition initiative become a success. More details:
Community Resilience Challenge
Throughout May, join Transition US in taking action to grow food, save water, conserve energy, and build community as part of the Community Resilience Challenge! Visit the website for project ideas, an organizer toolkit, and to register!
The Seven Year Itch Transition Party!
Lewes Transition Initiative is seven years old. To celebrate they’re holding a big party on 12 June & everybody is welcome! Special guest is Rob Hopkins. The evening includes lots of local music & iconic prog-rocker Arthur Brown is scheduled to make an appearance. Delicious food will be available as well as a bar & dancing until midnight.
« Because the level of misallocation of capital is so profound and frankly complete right now, I think that once people begin to figure out how to shift money into local business, that could proceed very, very quickly ». Michael Shuman
Our theme for May on the website will be ‘Transition and Health‘. We’d love to share your stories of any ways in which Transition has made your community healthier. Please get in touch.
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This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month. Next newsletter 6th June 2014
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,
from Transition Forest Row for the Transition Network
Contact: mgrenville@gmail.com