Goteo #167: All together for the earth
Every day more and more initiatives, committed to the environment preservation and to sustainable life models, join Goteo , and actually they already account for 16,5% of the campaigns published in 2019.
Sustainable Development Goals and footprints
We have decided to set these initiatives within the ecological footprint framework, which is a category (together with the democratic footprint and the social footprint) we are starting to use in order to classify projects published at Goteo, and which depend on their social commitments. Footprints are the way we have devised at the Goteo Foundation to reflect the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG in the campaigns we host. You still don’t know what the SDGs are? 17 objectives, to be achieved within 2030, established by the UN for countries and their societies to take a new path towards the improvement of life throughout the world.
Awareness of climate change and its effects is increasingly spreading, and we see it as the FridaysForFuture are going viral, global mobilizations demanding governments urgent actions against the impact of global warming. Our ecological footprint brings together precisely projects which are addressing these concerns and fighting for these objectives: the need to preserve our seas, forests and the species that inhabit them, the importance of access to less polluting technologies and fuels, for our sake and the planet’s, as well as the need of different models of production and consumption, which are more sustainable and respectful of the environment and people.
Campaigns with an ecological footprint
This newsletter is dedicated to the very projects which are working the ecological footprint, currently running at Goteo. You surrely share values and causes with them, do you support them?
- Projects proposing new narratives, such as ALTER NATIVAS: Hacia un futuro sostenible, a documentary about innovative initiatives of socio-ecological transition; or Biela y Tierra: Nuestra alimentación como motor de cambio, to make visible 80 experiences related to the Food Sovereignty, through a bicycle route.
- Projects claiming and fighting with the blow of appeals, such as #SOSHUERTA, to stop the highway of the terrace project, while protecting the countryside of Murcia and Santomera; La ZAL als tribunals, to prevent the implementation of a Logistic Activity Area at La Punta (Valencia), while recovering this space for city and citizenship; or the Colecta Bierzo Aire Limpio, against the incineration of tires at El Bierzo and in defense of health and clean air.
- Projects choosing more ecological models, such as La Maranya més sostenible, a space for social transformation willing to reduce its ecological impact; or MUUHLLOA, la cosmética de la naturaleza, a line of ecological cosmetics based on traditional raw materials, and promoted by five university women students.
If you also have an initiative provided with ecological footprint, why don’t you submit it at Goteo? Grow your project and multiply its impact!
In order for us to continue our work so that more civic initiatives take place
Remaining: 19 days