
The Global Energy Transition – 05/2018

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Working to stop climate change is exhausting – we have the feeling we’re trying to put out a fire in a hundred different places. Sometimes the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees seems unattainable, like this month, when the German coalition government appears to have abandoned its plans to phase out coal. Art and literature can keep us inspired and appeal to a larger audience who otherwise might not get involved. Future generations are depending on us to keep fighting, as Hazim Azghari reminds us in his powerful poem, « The Intergenerational Call“.
We wish you happy reading!
Your Global Energiewende Team,

The intergenerational call

Today we’re sharing something a bit different – a poem by Hazim Azghari, which he performed at COP22. The piece is a dialogue between us today and the children of the future. It illustrates the concept of intergenerational justice and the 1.5 degree climate target, without which the earth will not be liveable. Read more…

Is the Middle East’s solar breakthrough finally happening?

Solar’s time has (nearly) come in the Middle East: natural potential is high, and given the right policy environment, clean energy can thrive. But national governments must stop subsidizing fossil fuels and instead invest in solar power. Mike Munsell of Greentech Media takes a look at Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman and more. Read more…

German government rejects calls for additional carbon tax

Despite calls from French President Macron to implement additional carbon taxes, the German coalition government refuses to hold polluters accountable. “We say no to a price on CO2,” say CDU members, once again punting on climate change leadership. L. Michael Buchsbaum goes in-depth on German coal interests. Read more…

Upcoming Ontario election could jeopardize energy transition

The Canadian province of Ontario is heading to the polls on June 7th, and the fate of the province’s energy transition hangs in the balance. If the opposition party wins, popular energy efficiency programs could be cut and housing emissions will remain too high, says Niall Williams. Read more…

What’s fueling Britain’s offshore wind revolution? Technology, subsidies and and old fishing hub

There are a lot of reminders of the past in the northern English city of Hull. Defunct deep-sea trawlers and cavernous warehouses recall the city’s history as the hub of England’s fishing industry. Today, though, Hull is also a vision of the future. Chris Bentley goes to the center of the UK’s offshore wind boom. Read more…

Nguy Thi Khanh: changing the world for the better

Vietnamese environmental activist Nguy Thi Khanh, director of the Green Innovation and Development Centre Vietnam, was honored with the Goldman Environmental Prize. Lars Blume and Do Minh Tam celebrate her work for Vietnam’s energy transition: fighting against coal plants and advocating for renewable energy. Read more…

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