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UK Permaculture Convergence 2016
The Convergence will be held in Ilkley (West Yorkshire) on the 2-4 of September, hurry up!
You still have time to attend to this year’s extra-special National Convergence! Over 320 attendees will be there to take part in this unique gathering.
Get more info and book your place here
Article: My Permaculture Journey in India
PIRN member Vijaya Copsey kindly decided to share with us her four month full immersion in India.
Through her words and images you will be carried away in beautiful scenarios, farms, convergences and more!
Read about it on our PIRN news feed here
Nyéléni Europe Forum For Food Sovereignty!
The second edition of the Nyéléni Europe Forum For Food Sovereignty will take place in Romania, Cluj Napoca, between 25-30 October 2016.
It’s all about building a big inspiring Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe!Some 700 – 1000 participants who work on food sovereignty from the entire pan-European area of 42 countries are expected to take part in the forum.
Read the mobilisation call or join it here
Education to spread agroecology
In this report Nicole Vosper shares the key findings of her research exploring education and agroecology.
She presents successful models from around the world that have been inspiring and supporting people to practice agroecology.