
News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe

News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe
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ECOLISE members recommit to collaborate and call on policy makers for support

The 43 leading networks and organisations supporting community-led initiatives for climate change and sustainability that together make up ECOLISE, recommitted to collaborate with one another at the organisation’s recent annual general assembly in Luxembourg.

They reiterated their call on policy makers to recognise and support the vital role that grassroots organisations are playing in the transition to a healthy and sustainable zero-carbon society.

“The groundswell of citizen action – from community agriculture to community energy, natural building and sustainable mobility – must be supported by policy makers if we have any hope of achieving our international climate commitments,” said Robert Hall, president of ECOLISE.

Participants at the GA came from 18 European countries, as well as visitors from the USA, and were hosted by CELL, the Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg.

Calling all Social Innovators! What holds you back? Have your say now!

ECOLISE welcomes five new member organisations from four countries

Envisioning lifestyles project seeks input, offers chance to win $2000 grant
Share your solutions to how we live, move, consume, eat and connect for global sustainable lifestyles project

Talanoa process of dialogue on climate action comes to Brussels this month

Collaboration between Transition, permaculture and ecovillage folks in Copenhagen has led to some 50 sustainable urban design students helping nine Copenhagen neighbourhoods reimagine their community spaces

Make Europe Sustainable For All grants available
Local groups, grass-root organisations, and other civil society actors working at the local level on the Sustainable Development Goals are invited to apply for financial support – deadline 6 May 2018
The ATLAS OF UTOPIAS is a global gallery of inspiring community-led transformation in water, energy and housing. Be inspired!

Northern European Solidarity Economy Meeting: Helsinki, Finland, 21-22 April 2018

European Dialogue on Non-State Climate Actors: Brussels, Belgium, 23 April 2018

Children in Permaculture Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, 4-5 May 2018

Smart Villages Seminar: Brussels, Belgium, 22 May 2018

GEN-Europe 2018 Conference: Lilleoru, Estonia, 10-14 July 2018

6th International Degrowth Conference: Malmö, Sweden, 21-25 August 2018

Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and Liveable Regions: European Regional Science Association Congress, Cork, Ireland, 28-31 August 2018

European Day of Sustainable Communities: Europe-wide, 22 September 2018


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