
info de Geoff :

Hi, this is Geoff.

There are a couple of long entries in this week’s Friday Five, so let’s jump right in…

New Video: Wheelie bin what? Compost toilets are extremely efficient and don’t use any water, unlike flush toilets which use 30,000-plus liters of water per person each year. Instead, we can turn “humanure” into a sustainable waste system. Compost toilets can be made with materials found just about anywhere — even the humble wheelie bin. To get the step-by-step details on this, check out the latest video freshly posted inside The Permaculture Circle (TPC). As always, if you’re already enrolled in our free TPC learning community, you can view the full presentation here. And if you are not a member of TPC, you can quickly become one for free here), and immediately gain access to the new video as well as 100+ other video / media resources. Enjoy!

Solstice soon: We’re a few days away from the June solstice. Here’s a quick refresher of what this all means.

Visual wow: You’ve heard of 4K video…how about 8K? Patagonia 8K is a visual delight, showcasing the pristine landscapes of southern Chile and Argentina. Here is one of Peru, also filmed in 8K. And if 8K isn’t enough, try this 12K capture of New York City — almost 50 times (!) the resolution of HD 1080p. We should ask our video team to get those machines (3X RED Weapon Monstro 8K VV cameras) to do an aerial of Zaytuna Farm :)

What I’m reading: The overwhelming consensus about “invasive species” is that they are, “evil interlopers spoiling pristine natural ecosystems.” Over the past several years, several brilliant researchers have begun to challenge this orthodoxy. I’m not going to tell you what to believe, but I would like to suggest that if you’re at all interested in the topic, you absolutely must read—with an open mind—three writings that explore this matter. The first is an overview article that reviews the work of Arian Wallach and Erick Lundgren and their concept of “compassionate conservation.” The second is a full-length book by award-winning author Fred Pearce, The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will Be Nature’s Salvation. And the third expands the scope of the question by providing a permaculture perspective on the topic: Permaculture practitioner and instructor Tao Orion’s Beyond the War on Invasive Species: A Permaculture Approach to Ecosystem Restoration.

In case you missed it: A few pieces of interest this week from our sister site, the non-profit Permaculture Research Institute:

If you enjoy these posts, be sure to bookmark the site as several new articles go up weekly, or check out thousands of other past articles, here.

That’s it for the Friday Five. As always, if you have any comments / reactions / or a different point of view, please share on the blog-version of this Friday Five (and all past + future Friday Fives), all housed here.

Cheers, and have a great week,

Your friend,



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