
Geoff Lawton et voir la journée de Permaculture


Hi, this is Geoff.

First of all, Happy International Permaculture Day! IPD, now in its 9th year, is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. To find out more about IPD or to see events happening in your area, take a look at here.

The last couple of Friday Fives have been a bit long, so let’s jump right into this week’s…

Another new video (“The Instant Garden”)! Lots of people would love to grow their own organic, nutrient-rich food; but what stops them is the (erroneous) belief that they don’t have enough time, space, or knowledge to make it happen. In this new video freshly posted inside The Permaculture Circle (TPC), I challenge these assumptions by providing a step-by-step overview to creating an “instant garden” — one that doesn’t require a lot of time or space. Watch it, apply it, and let me know how it turns out. As always, if you’re already enrolled in our free TPC learning community, you can view the full presentation here.

And if you are not enrolled in TPC, you can do so quickly and for free here). You’ll then be able to view the full video right away, as well as 100+ other video / media resources all housed under one roof. And if you already signed up for the free TPC but forgot your login details, you can click here, scroll to the bottom, and click on “Forgot your password?”

Helpful tool: Promising “low maintenance, efficient, and mess-free composting that feeds the soil,” here is a great product that is simple and obvious in its convenience, and beneficially advantage to our gardens. Check it out here.

Old meets new: I love coming across “ancient, low-tech” solutions that are in such deep alignment with permaculture practices; a great reminder that understanding principles and frameworks (the kinds of things you learn in a PDC course :) ) are more important than “shiny new fads” and fashions that come and go.

“Deadly winter” in the UK: Although I’ve called Australia home for the better part of my adult life, most of you know that I was born in England. So as we transition from summer to autumn (and soon, winter) here in Australia, I couldn’t help but remember this (and couldn’t stop laughing…)

Worth a visit: “Norway Is Building The Most Beautiful Planetarium I’ve Ever Seen. Bonus: You can spend the night.” Article here, and video overview here for those who prefer to see it (artist renditions) to believe it.

That’s it for the Friday Five. As always, if you have any comment / reactions / or a different point of view, please share on the blog-version of this Friday Five (and all past + future Friday Fives), all housed here.

Cheers, and have a great week,

Your friend,



PS: Again, you can see the Instant Garden presentation here if you’re already a member of TPC (or sign up free here and see it immediately).

PSS: I mentioned this last week, but will share it again since some folks have been asking about wanting to know in advance so that they can make travel plans: We have two more Permaculture in Action workshops this year, one in July and the other in December. We do ask that everyone who is considering joining us have either completed or be concurrently enrolled in a PDC. Having this background knowledge will help you get *much* more from this on-the-ground experience.

To help facilitate getting this PDC background, we will soon be sharing information about our 2018 Online PDC 2.0 (24 weeks, over 700 instructional videos, a thriving student-only community, and 24/7 support from a team of talented teaching assistants). We’re aiming to start it sometime this quarter (i.e. to start before the end of June and have it run all the way through the end of 2018), so keep an eye on your inbox for additional information.

Many of you have been emailing and asking to enroll ASAP; while we haven’t yet opened enrollment, we welcome you to add your name to our priority-invite list. Those of you on the priority-invite list will be able to enroll several weeks before everyone else, get early access to the course before we open it to the general public, AND enjoy an “early bird” tuition discount. Again, click here and we’ll add you to the list.

Permaculture Sustainable Consulting Pty Ltd 1158 Pinchins Road The Channon, New South Wales 2480 Australia

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