
Ecolise: Welcome to our first newsletter of 2018!

News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe
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Welcome to our first newsletter of 2018! Some highlights to look forward to over the next 12 months include: the annual General Assembly in Luxembourg in March, a great opportunity to shape ECOLISE strategy and to network with others in the community-led movement. Please register now to join us in person or online.

In the summer we’ll be publishing an in-depth and scientifically rigorous Status Report of community-led initiatives in Europe, as part of our commitment to create a knowledge commons for community-led action on sustainability and climate change.

On 22 September we’ve the 2nd European Day of Sustainable Communities when collectively we can showcase our work. And once again we plan to cohost an event with the EESC in Brussels – this year focussing on municipalities and communities.

In December we’ll be at COP24 in Poland, bringing our message of the vital role of community-led action for climate change, in cooperation with the Climate Action Network.

There are numerous other plans bubbling away within the network, so stay in touch via Facebook or Twitter and our monthly newsletter.

Story of the month: Permaculture Research at the University of Lisbon
Ten essentials for action-oriented transitions & climate change research 

Have your say! EU’s long-term budget consultation is open until 8 March 

Europe for Citizens call for applications is open now until 1st March – if you want to engage citizens, check it out!

Leading practitioners share their insights at the recent International Permaculture Congress in India


Nordic Permaculture meeting 2018: Stiftelsen Holma, Höör, Skåne, Sweden, 9th-11th February 2018

ECOLISE General Assembly: Hollenfels, Luxembourg, 26th-28th March 2018

Children in Permaculture Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, 4th-5th May 2018

6th International Degrowth Conference: Malmö, Sweden, 21-25 August 2018

Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and Liveable Regions: European Regional Science Association Congress, Cork, Ireland, 28th-31st August 2018

European Day of Sustainable Communities: Europe-wide, 22 September 2018

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