We’re currently updating our newsletter. In the meantime here’s a little taster of what’s to come. We’ll be back in touch soon!
From the frontline of COP23
People old and young from all over the world, with hopes, fears, anger and love showed the beauty of creativity, cooperation and diversity at this contradictory time. Gesa Maschkowski – co-founder of Transition Initiative Bonn im Wandel – shares her account of the demonstration where 3,000 cyclists joined in, coming from Cologne on the “highway to COP23”.
Robert Hall, president of Ecolise and Board member of the International Global Ecovillage Network, tells us about his hopes and frustrations at COP23.
« The official negotiations are a very slow process in the right direction. It is a truly global agreement about the problem, but the pace is just insufficient with the time we have available… I think the only way to be optimistic is to believe that people can take things into their own hands and transform their lives. »
Do you want to be an active partner in Transition Network’s newsletter? We want to share your stories. This month our guest editor Kate Duva explores the possibilities of public space. Read her blog and share your stories.
Come for the fun, stay for the revolution
In a world that’s been increasingly paved over and privatized, it can be hard to find open places and spaces to gather. Kate Duva meets intergenerational groups in Chicago and beyond who occupy sidewalks, streets, public parks, and abandoned lots. They meet people right where they’re at, instead of waiting for people to come to them.
How do you occupy public space? Share you stories on Facebook
Have you got stories like Kate’s to tell? What are your visions for making public spaces more interactive, more beautiful, and more humane? Tell us your stories on Facebook and we’ll share them in the next newsletter .