
Bulletin de permaculture en anglais par Geoff Lawron


Hi, this is Geoff,

First, many thanks to all of you for your well-wishings, prayers, and kind words regarding the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie. Compared to some other parts of the country, what we went through was minor. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones.

Second, I noted this in the last Friday Five, but upon additional reflection, thought it merited additional emphasis: What we learned from Bill — in terms of permaculture thinking, frameworks, and practical design — it actually works. I know it may sound obvious or even odd to say that, but when you actually witness, first-hand, permaculture-designed systems hold up successfully under not just difficult but extreme weather and environmental conditions, it really is something extraordinary to behold.

My hope is that all of us, as brothers and sisters around the world, can learn from both what works and what doesn’t work, in order to help us better prepare for the challenges that await us in the future.

With no further ado, this week’s Friday Five…

Solutions, Not Problems: One of the hallmarks of permaculture is its focus on solutions. Bill was almost maniacal about this – solution, solution, solution. Yes, problems exist, but to make a lasting and real difference, we should spend only enough time to fully understand the problem, then move rapidly to its solution. In other words, just enough time to understand deeply and intuitively, not forever dwell on the negatives. The difference between the two is not trivial, but could make all the difference between good health and the lack thereof, as has been described here. And if you want to take it to the next level, check out Will Bowen’s 21-day Complaint-Free Challenge here. And a hilarious example of someone actually trying to do the 21-day challenge here.

Coal AND Solar? How’s this for a headline:In a Twist, Kentucky’s Coal Museum Will Now Be Powered By Solar.” Wow, that certainly is a twist (!) Moreover, according to estimates, making this switch will actually save the museum almost $10,000 in energy costs annually. Maybe opposites can get along after all…

Footprints: How heavy is your footprint? The Global Footprint Network has put together a rich set of data and resources, everything from ecological footprint, biocapacity, carbon footprint, relative consumption, ecological deficits and reserve, and biocapacity per person / per capita, among others. Check it all out here. An incredible contribution to helping us better understand sustainability.

100% Renewable Energy? Two pieces this week by Vox’s David Roberts addresses the question: Is 100% renewable energy realistic? The first is what Roberts calls, “A Beginner’s Guide,” and the second, written a few days later, is Roberts’ own take on the question. I’m not going to weigh in on this just yet; I’d rather here your thoughts in the comments section of the blog version of this FF (here). And based on the discussion there, I may jump in :)

In case you missed it: A few interesting pieces this week from our sister site, the non-profit Permaculture Research Institute:

If you enjoy these posts, be sure to bookmark the site as several new articles go up weekly, or check out thousands of other past articles, here.

That’s it for the Friday Five.

Again, if you have something to share with respect to the Friday Five, please don’t email me or hit reply, as I can’t always get to my email. These are meant to be conversation starters, not mere broadcasts :) so I kindly request and would vastly prefer that share your comments and thoughts on the blog-version of this Friday Five (and all past + future Friday Fives), all housed here. This way, our entire community can benefit from your insights, and join the discussion.

Cheers, and have a great weekend

Your friend,



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