
Bulletin de Energie wende ( in english) et le livre en Français

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As many heads of state gather in Bonn this week for the international climate negotiations, we are faced with news that global carbon emissions are set to rise again in 2017 after a few years of stagnation. With such a dismal track record, you may wonder why countries keep meeting every year to discuss the future handling of climate change. We asked Craig Morris to write a short background on the international climate negotiations explaining how we got to where we are today, and what exactly they are talking about at COP23.
We wish you happy reading!
Your Global Energiewende Team,
German car maker Volkswagen, caught cheating on emissions tests in 2015 in the “Dieselgate” scandal, is rolling out plans to spend almost $15 billion in penalties and settlements. Some of the money goes back to customers, but about half will be used for infrastructure and pollution mitigation. Ben Paulos takes a look. Read more…
With all of the noise around Trump and the US exit from the Paris Agreement, it’s easy to forget that other countries are taking their climate goals seriously. India has seen a huge solar boom, wind energy has been steadily increasing, and planned coal plants have been cancelled. Frances Beinecke explores India’s energy transition. Read more…
About ten thousand people are attending the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP) on climate change. Didn’t they just decide something in Paris two years ago? Why do they have to keep meeting every year? Craig Morris asks the experts. Read more…
Michał Olszewski has long written about the Polish conservative government trying (and failing) to bail out coal, and maintain energy independence. But these expensive and polluting practices could be coming to an end. Slowly but surely, the energy transition emerges in Poland. Read more…
The Trump administration has insisted on ‘energy dominance’ as its main goal, focusing on fossil fuels at the expense of renewable energies like wind and solar. For Puerto Ricans, however, energy dominance sounds more like expansionism. Catalina M. de Onís explains the history of oil and power between the US and Puerto Rico. Read more…
The Ruhr region of Germany was once a mining stronghold; now residents are seeking new livelihoods. The last hard coal plants in Germany will close in 2018, but what happens to their communities when they do? Emma Bryce looks at a just transition. Read more…
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