


News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe

News from the shared platform for learning, action and advocacy, by and for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability in Europe View this email in your browser To date communities in nine countries are celebrating the European Day of Sustainable Communities. Permaculturists in Spain and the UK are marking the day with their […]

GEN reporting back from COP23

GEN Reporting back from COP23

To offer an international platform for solutions-based leadership, the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has brought a delegation of community leaders from all around the world to COP23 to share our best practices and success stories for drawing down carbon from the atmosphere.

For National Delegates planning their contributions to […]

Global Ecovillage Network at COP23


Global Ecovillage Network at COP23

GEN will be attending the UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany taking place November 6 -17. Nations of the world will meet at this conference to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its implementation guidelines.

Ecovillages are consciously designed through locally […]

S’engager d’urgence contre le réchauffement climatique.

Un peu partout fleurissent de nouveaux modes de vie ; conditions indispensables pour assurer un développement durable, pour nos enfants et les générations futures ! Eamon 0’Hara, installé dans le Lot, nous explique pourquoi il y a urgence à agir.

par Jean-Claude Bonnemère le rédacteur en chef de La Vie Quercynoise

Eamon 0’Hara, […]

ECOLISE lance la «Journée européenne des territoires durables», qui aura lieu le 23 septembre 2017

ECOLISE lance la «Journée européenne des territoires durables»

(17 octobre 2016) – Les inscriptions sont maintenant ouvertes pour la première «Journée européenne des territoires durables», qui aura lieu le 23 septembre 2017, avec en vedette quelques-unes des nombreuses initiatives locales novatrices européennes en matière de transition écologique.


Les écovillages, projets de […]